Cleanse and strengthen the Aura

Can we see the Aura?

Yes! If you cannot already see the aura, practicing with a partner works best. According to Dr. Slate, the most effective strategy is the White-Out procedure:

  • Step 1. Physical Relaxation. Give yourself permission to physically become relaxed through a simple, three-step technique called body scan: 1. With your eyes closed, mentally scan your body, beginning at your forehead and processing downward; 2. Envision a soft glow of relaxation accompanying the scan and eventually enveloping your full body; 3. SIlently affirm, I am now fully relaxed. 

  • Step 2. White-Out. Focus your eyes on your subject’s forehead, and slowly expand your peripheral vision to encompass your subject’s total surrounding. Once your peripheral vision reaches its limits, allow your eyes to fall slightly out of focus. You will then experience the “white-out effect,” a phenomenon in which your subject’s surroundings assume a milky-white glow.

  • Step 3. Focusing. Bring your eyes back ito focus, and center your full attention on your subject’s forehead. Almost immediately, the aura will come into view.

  • Step 4. Viewing. You are now ready to view the aura, and focus your attention on its coloration and other characteristics. Should your eyes tire during the viewing, close them for a few moments or look briefly into the distance away from your subject. If the aura begins to fade at any point during the viewing, close your eyes briefly and then repeat the procedure.”

Here are some ways to cleanse and strengthen your aura:

  • Burning herbs like bay leaves, rosemary, lavender, sage, etc. 

  • Reciting positive affirmations and mantras

  • Take a shower. Envision all negativity and what does not serve you going down the drain as the showe water renews, heals your energy.

  • Make a cleansing spray - use distilled water mixed with pink himalayan salt and essential oil of your choice to spray on yourself and in the room.  

  • Close your eyes, envision your auric field as a white symmetrical egg shape. 

  • Earthing! Walking barefoot supports your aura

  • Hydration! Staying hydrated is essential for a healthy aura.

  • Refrain from cigarettes- this constricts and discolors the aura.


Slate, J. H. (1999). Aura Energy for Health, Healing and Balance. Llewellyn Publications.

Dale, C. (2009). The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy. Sounds True.
