Fears & Phobias

We are born with only two fears, all other fears are learned from a threatening experience, learned from warnings, or learned by observing others.

Fears can be healthy! For example, the two we are born with: the fear of falling and fear of loud noises, were encoded deep within our DNA to protect us from dying in accidents as babies.

A fear becomes unhealthy when there is no real danger present, and it controls or consumes our life. The fear can develop further into anxiety and depression. Unhealthy fears can also hinder us from achieving the life we desire.

Do you have fear of failure? Fear of success What about animals/creatures, death, dentist, doctor, flying, loss of control, heights, needles, school, surgery, water? How long have you had these fears? Are you ready to overcome them?

To overcome your fear and phobia by means of Hypnotherapy, contact me, today!

Happy Halloween 👻💀☠️
