March 2022 Newsletter, 10th Release - Bach Flower Essences, fragrances & perfumes, while revisiting essential oils.

This is the 10th release of the Homeopathic Homies Newsletter! This month, read about Bach Flower Essences, fragrances & perfumes, while revisiting essential oils.

These newsletters will include upcoming event dates, content offerings, fundraiser/donation opportunities, information on natural remedies, and any pertinent, valuable information found that affects you or someone you know. My goal is to positively affect your life.

I'd like to share some information about me so you can get an idea about who I am, why this newsletter is so important to me to share with you.

Some time ago, I began college with the intent of living in service, a mindset of academic abundance, and a mindset of financial lack. This resulted in a goal to double major in accounting to make a financial living, and in psychology to serve the community after the work day.  Less than 10 years after my declaration, I am making it happen even better than I imagined. To make a living, I still use my accounting background for contract work, and I even created an accounting system for small businesses! I offer 1:1 hypnotherapy sessions, 1:1 energy work (Reiki) sessions, and host weekly plant medicine ceremonies combined with group hypnotherapy at reasonable rates. In service, I regularly volunteer for a couple non-profit organizations in my community, and depending on the transaction amount, between ten and 30% is donated to various non-profit organizations.

In the continuance and development of my work in service, I have been called to create a newsletter. There is so much information out there! As an expert data miner, my mentor reminded me not to get analysis paralysis! This rings true to any industry. This plentiful, easily accessible information, comes at a cost - it's over-saturated, easily accessible. To add to the confusion, the information is contradicting, and censored by search engines, like Google. These newsletters will be a reliable source of information, and will only scratch the surface in comparison to the depth of concepts presented. You are invited to dive deeper to discover more for yourself. I also invite you to share feedback with me. I am curious about what your concerns.

You can find me online at www.homeohomie.comFacebookInstagram, or LinkedIn.  

Without further ado, please see below! 

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