July 2022 Newsletter, 14th Release - Suggestibility

 Blessings! :)

This month, learn about how easy it is to be suggestible. At the end of this newsletter, I hope you consider the ways you are being influenced, and feel empowered to make positive conscious changes to your program.

These newsletters will include upcoming event dates, content offerings, fundraiser/donation opportunities, information on natural remedies, and any pertinent, valuable information found that affects you or someone you know. My goal is to positively affect your life, and inspire growth, knowledge, and thoughts.

I'd like to share some information about me so you can get an idea about who I am, why this newsletter is so important to me to share with you.

Some time ago, I began college with the intent of living in service, a mindset of academic abundance, and a mindset of financial lack. This resulted in a goal to double major in accounting to make a financial living, and in psychology to serve the community after the work day.  Less than 10 years after my declaration, I am making it happen even better than I imagined. To make a living, I still use my accounting background for contract work, and I even created an accounting system for small businesses! I offer 1:1 hypnotherapy sessions, 1:1 energy work (Reiki) sessions, and host weekly plant medicine ceremonies combined with group hypnotherapy at reasonable rates. In service, I regularly volunteer for a couple non-profit organizations in my community, and depending on the transaction amount, about 20% is donated to various non-profit organizations.

In the continuance and development of my work in service, I have been called to create a newsletter. There is so much information out there! As an expert data miner, my mentor reminded me not to get analysis paralysis! This rings true to any industry. This plentiful, easily accessible information, comes at a cost - it's over-saturated, easily accessible. To add to the confusion, the information is contradicting, and censored by search engines, like Google. These newsletters will be a reliable source of information, and will only scratch the surface in comparison to the depth of concepts presented. You are invited to dive deeper to discover more for yourself. I also invite you to share feedback with me. I am curious about your concerns.

You can find me online at www.homeohomie.comFacebookInstagram, or LinkedIn

Thank you for your time, I appreciate you, I love you!

All Love,
LaNeesha Deneal

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Group Hypnotherapy

I addition to the two events this month, I will also schedule group hypnotherapy for private groups/ parties. Please call or message me to schedule your session.

Do you have a goal that seems just out of reach? Would you like to boost your motivation and productivity? 
Be you! Creative, Motivated, Productive You! 

What would attending these events affect positively?

Anxiety⠂Assist Healing ⠂ Breathing ⠂ Change Habits ⠂ Chronic Pain ⠂ Communication ⠂ Cravings ⠂ Exercise ⠂ Fears ⠂ Fear of Death ⠂ Fear of Dentist ⠂ Fear of Doctor ⠂ Fear of Failure ⠂ Fear of Loss of Control ⠂ Fear of Success ⠂ Forgiveness ⠂ Frustration ⠂ Guilt ⠂ Headaches ⠂ Hostility ⠂ Impotency ⠂ Improve Health ⠂ Inferiority ⠂ Inhibition ⠂ Insecurity ⠂ Irrational thoughts ⠂ Lack of Ambition ⠂ Mistrust ⠂ Moodiness ⠂ Motivation ⠂ Obsessive-Compulsive ⠂ Pessimism ⠂ Postsurgical ⠂ Premature Ejaculation ⠂ Presurgical ⠂ Problem Solving ⠂ Procrastination ⠂ Public Speaking ⠂ Rejection ⠂ Relationship Enhancement ⠂ Relaxation ⠂ Self-Confidence ⠂ Self-Control ⠂ Self-Mastery ⠂ Sexual Problems ⠂ Shame ⠂ Skin Problems ⠂ Smoking ⠂ Trauma ⠂ Victimization ⠂ Weight Loss ⠂AND MORE!

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FREE Community Events

 Enjoy food, drinks vendor shopping and enjoy a panel of 4 speakers (including myself).
More information, here.

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The Subconscious Mind

With as much as we know about the ocean, we know very little about it; similarly, as much as we know about the subconscious mind, it is still quite mysterious. Our subconscious mind is 88% of our consciousness. This means, most of our actions, behaviors, and thoughts are automatic or subconscious. When we think about the reasons why we believe what we believe or why we do what we do, more often than not, it is a learned and now automatic behavior. 
Note:  Association & Repetition 

Our subconscious mind is repetitive and it reinforces what is prominent, even when we don't realize it. What we expose our subconscious mind to, makes a difference in our lives. When we are exposed to affects our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual way of being.

Subliminal Messages

Subliminal means to be perceived without stimulation or awareness; Limen in Latin means threshold, and subliminal message is below the threshold of consciousness. 

One of the oldest experiments was by James Vicary in 1957 when he displayed the words "Eat Popcorn" and "Drink Coca-Cola" in a movie for just long enough for only the subconscious to notice. The real results of the experiment are unknown. So, in 1999, Harvard conducted an experiment using a computer game- positive words such as "wise" "astute" and "accomplished" was flashed the game for a few thousandths of a second, and the other group received negative subliminal such as "senile", '"dependent" and "diseased". It was statistically significant that those who received the positive words chose to finish playing the game faster than those with negative words.

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Psychology in Business

There are departments of study in education called Business Psychology that is designed to study consumer behavior and create marketing campaigns to (sneakily) convert them into customers. Let me say that differently - there is a group of individuals who study how to obtain your interest, and persuade your purchasing power.

Effective advertising not only use subliminal messages, they also use they also appeal to emotion and definitely use two rules of hypnotherapy: the Law of Association & the Law of Repetition to influence culture and social norms. How does this play out? The more an individual associates A with B, the easier it is for the individual to perceive it as true. The more times that association is repeated, the easier it is for the individual to perceive it as true.

Carl Jung studied how colors affect emotion. There is, of course a therapeutic way of improving one's quality of life using color! On the flip side, corporations use this spectacular information to influence shoppers. See this image from colorpsychology.org


McDonalds is rated the lowest of fast-food chains. It's GMO food contains excessive fatty acids, sodium, and sugar and no nutritional value. Yet, here they are, advertising to the family. 

Cheerios contain the highest concentration of glyphosate- a carcinogen that is in the processed foods. General Mills knows the toxicity of this chemical, and the effects on human health- with this knowledge, General Mills chooses to put it in the food most parents feed their babies. Here, the company advertises the product to 
Star Wars fans. 

Companies also profit from "Pride" month in the USA by including the rainbow in their logo. However, these "benevolent" companies forgot to update the logo in the Asian and Middle Eastern countries. They don't care about the cause, they care about getting your 

Universal Pictures, Minions from Despicable Me is so popular! It is geared toward children. However, what would you say this teaches our children? 
With minds as absorbent as a sponge, the implications of this "innocent" image can be overwhelming for a child. 
Even if they giggle and find humor in it.

Regardless (or, irregardless- thanks to Webster for your 2020 addition) of your beliefs about COVID, seeing these signs at places of business would indeed create, as the news puts it, a "new normal". In addition to the auditory and visual inputs, there is also a mechanical/behavioral aspect of this -muscle memory. The more one associates masks and distancing, the greater the potential for it to become 
the new normal.

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Hypnosis is a natural mechanism. Every single person experiences it at a minimum of two times every single day! Have you ever driven a car and got to your destination, and didn't remember the drive? That's hypnosis.

The hypnotic state is also the theta brain wave state, which is a trance-like state we enter during meditation, just before sleep and as we wake up from sleep. Although hypnosis can be relaxing, hypnosis is not really relaxation. The hypnotic state is actually when one is hyper focused.

Children 12 an under are already in hypnosis 24/7! That's why we say children are impressionable.  They are in the process of forming their subconscious mind; any suggestions (positive or negative) are imprinted on them, and the child takes it on as her own. It's extremely important we monitor what we expose our children to.


What would your life be like if you increased your conscious awareness? What if you purposely programmed yourself to think, behave or feel a certain way? You can improve your life in ways we can only imagine. 

As you read above, you are already suggested to buy this or that product, and to think this or that way. Hypnotherapy allows you to take control of what you program your mind with. If you never clean up or organize your computer it will get slow and functionality will decline. If you never clean up or organize your home, it will get messy and soon become overwhelmed with the amount of work to get it back to normal. Same goes with our mind and our thoughts! Hypnosis will bring you to a state of balance. 

You may say, "I already have balance!" I think clearly, I am happy, and healthy! That is fantastic!  Hypnotherapy is also used to help further advancement. Whether you are a beginner, novice, or advanced, what is common is the idea. When one has an idea, the idea has the ability to expand when cultivated. Cultivate and expand what you already have with hypnotherapy.

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