Homeopathic Homies Newsletter - June 2024 - Fibonacci Sequence & Golden Ratio

Greetings! :)

Have you heard about Sacred Geometry? This newsletter will introduce you to a well-known ration that is seen in mathematics, art and nature. The Fibonacci Sequence represents balance, and the infinite connectedness between all living things. Speaking about all living things- Happy Mother's Day! We (literally) wouldn't be here without you! 


Those of you who have taken classes at BOTI Studios know that we love to demonstrate and teach how to expand awareness of perception. In my own reflection, I've decided to fully embracing my residency at BOTI Studios. If you haven't had a chance to visit me at work, this season is the perfect time to do so!  You may see events that I am not hosting, here:


Every second Monday at 7pm, we'll delve into our personal booklist favorites! First we'll peruse a dialogue, then we'll bite into some juicy a stories, and then we'll digest the deliciousness of philosophy, science and spiritual practices. Suggestions are welcome, though, we have nuggets of plenty! We are all reading the books, and we are open for you to attend and pick up class's cliff notes!  Energy Exchange is $Donation Based. 

If you haven't already, please pick up: Loving What Is by Bryon Katie (audiobook available). Loving What Is is especially personal to me as it was among the books that reignited my path for inner growth. Come with a fresh, open mind because regardless of where you are in this journey, it will remind us how often we make assumptions. We hope to see you there! 

If you haven't already, please pick up: The Alchemist (audiobook available), a fun story that you can even read with your children or teens- especially those who have faced ambition or apathy. Find the excitement in young Santiago's pursuit of to achieve an item on his bucket list: to find the legendary treasure.

If you haven't already, please pick up: Setting Your Heart on Fire: Seven Invitations to Liberate Your Life by Raphael Cushnir (audiobook available). I chose to practice along the way, and proceed to the next section only after I noticed a sense of realization; it felt like this book took me forever to read! I even read other books to occupy my time so that I can practice until I had it down. In the end, I ended up falling in love with people as they are. As I skim through it again, it's definitely time to revisit it. This book is fire! 

If you haven't already, please pick up: Setting Your Heart on Fire: Seven Invitations to Liberate Your Life by Raphael Cushnir (audiobook available). I chose to practice along the way, and proceed to the next section only after I noticed a sense of realization; it felt like this book took me forever to read! I even read other books to occupy my time so that I can practice until I had it down. In the end, I ended up falling in love with people as they are. As I skim through it again, it's definitely time to revisit it. This book is fire! 


We are hosting a monthly film screening to intentionally program our minds through film! There is so much programming out there, so it's important to recognize what we choose to tune into. We will share documentaries, films & movies that have positively impacted our lives, bringing us a renewed perspective. The film will begin promptly at 7PM, and you're invited to come early to choose your seats. Energy Exchange is by donation, and there will be snacks available for purchase. 

This investigative documentary film by director Stephanie Soechtig regarding allegations of health hazards from perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA, also known as C8), a key ingredient used in manufacturing Teflon, and DuPont's potential responsibility. PFAS are commonly found in every household, and in products as diverse as non-stick cookware, stain resistant furniture and carpets, wrinkle free and water repellant clothing, cosmetics, lubricants, paint, pizza boxes, popcorn bags, and many other everyday products. The documentary runs for 1 hour 35 minutes and will begin promptly at 7pm followed by an optional connection/discussion time. We invite you to check out the preview, here.

What if there were a monumental environmental threat that you didn’t even know was happening? What if you found out it is affecting your health and that of people you know and love? What if you knew it was such an enormous problem that it has the potential to destroy our crops and trees, the soil they are grown in, our entire water supply, and whole ecosystems - and that if you didn’t act, we could never turn back? Global climate engineering/geoengineering weather modification programs have been used since the 1950's through methods that drastically stunt natural weather cycles and poisoning the environment and contributes to agriculture problems- and it is ineffective. With awareness, we will reach those who can do something about this and heal our planet. I invite you to read this letter and perhaps peruse the geoengineeringwatch.org site to become acquainted with the topic. The documentary runs for 1 hour 56 minutes and will begin promptly at 7pm followed by an optional connection/discussion time. You can check out the preview, here.

Tapped looks into the bottled water industry and its long-term effects socially, economically and ecologically. The filmmakers focused on industry giants such as PepsiCo and Nestlé Waters, visiting a town containing a Nestlé factory as well as running tests on the bottles the company uses for its products. Their results came back showing "several potentially harmful chemicals, some known carcinogens". The documentary runs for 1 hour 16 minutes and will begin promptly at 7pm followed by an optional connection/discussion time. We invite you to check out the preview, here.


I'm hosting group classes on Thursdays at 2PM as well as monthly sound bath sessions. Every class is different, every week has an alternate focus. See class descriptions below:

Bring your attention to your mind and thoughts in my Letting Go meditation class. You will create positive, detailed visualizations of your new reality. Let go of the old to invite new beginnings and opportunity.

Bring your attention to your energetic field in my Daytime Energy Alignment class. You will expand consciousness, improve intuition and increase perception beyond physical sight. Sound healing tools will accompany us in the activation, clearing and of your energetic field alignment. 

Your subconscious mind is always present- would you think your dreams are any different? Dreams are messages directly from the subconscious. Across cultures- Muslim, African, Native American-Indians, even the ancient cultures of Egypt, Greece, and Romans acknowledged the significance dreams due to their relation to resolution to the past, premonitions of the future that are metaphoric of waking life. In preparation for class, please bring a written dream to unravel with the group. When we unravel the dream, you will see how doors of opportunity are opened as you have an understanding of what may be behind those doors.

Relax, and unwind! Bring a yoga mat, blanket, towel or pillow to make yourself comfortable. You will lay, sit or move beneath the trees with a gentle breeze. Allow the solfeggio harmonics recharge and regenerate your body and mind. Leave the 2-hour session feeling invigorated and ready to continue your day. Plan to park in the West Parking Lot on Rolling Hills Drive. Tri-City Park 15362 Golden Ave, Placentia 92870 Enter the coordinates: 33.903739, -117.868262 into your GPS to find the parking lot at Rolling Hills Dr.


I've taken classes with Lucinda (left photo) and she helped me improve my psychic abilities! I now use my abilities daily and let me say- it is fun! 

As mediums, we navigate the ethereal realms, engaging with spirits and tap into the universal wisdom that flows through the cosmos. We'll the moment with lightheartedness and laughter, for we understand that even spirits love a good joke. (My Grandpa Leo always says, "God has a sense of humor!".) Brace yourself for a joyful rollercoaster ride as we navigate the mystical and share messages that inspire, heal, and ignite a spark of wonder within your soul. 

Exclusive Invitational Rendezvous at Twilight 

We meet just before twilight- the death of the day, when day turns to night, when the daytime sky is gently shadowed as the sun begins to set. See and feel the sun shift and observe what shifts in you.

This is our first formal event. Enjoy a sunset meditation and an energetic balancing session followed by a delicious and nutritious dinner as you gleam beneath the dazzling twinkling lights complete with gourmet drinks and elixirs. Spend time mingling with other members and search for prizes in the interactive scavenger hunt. Those who have birthdays this season will receive a special gift. Before the end of the night, you might be the recipient of one of our grand prizes: including 1:1 session voucher with our resident practitioners, and service vouchers. As an attendee, you will receive an exclusive announcement connected to the BOTI Studios community. As you leave the evening, drop a wish in the Wishing Well where you give thanks to your efforts as you welcome your fall harvest. Please arrive in cocktail attire, dressed to impress yourself! Event will be held in September, date will be finalized in the next newsletter.

June 2024 Newsletter:

Nature is calculated and precise- so are our bodies. Patterns (foams, fractals, line patterns, meanderings, tessellations, waves), Logarithmic Spirals (Fibonacci, Golden Ratio), and Symmetry are all mathematical components of nature. 

Although they are related, the Fibonacci sequence is not the same as the Golden Ratio or Golden Rectangle. Golden ratio and rectangle are based on the Fibonacci sequence, and there is an algebraic relationship between them. The fibonacci sequence is a function (or formula/mathematical equation): Fn = F(n-1) + F(n-2), which says the next number in a sequence is a sum of the previous two numbers. It is as follows: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34... So 21+34=55, and 34+55= 89...

The golden square is the area of a rectangle: (a*a)+(b*a)=a*b. Sure, you can plug any number in, however, the fibonacci sequence is mathematically equivalent to the rectangle. Notice: the A and B are the numbers within the fibonacci sequence. 

Now, to create the Golden Curve, make a curve to each of the square's corners, the height from point to point. This  is the same number of units in the fibonacci sequence.

The Fibonacci sequence is found in art, as well as in nature.

When you look at Mona Lisa's face above, do you notice the F Clef (𝄢) from written music? Beethoven and Mozart used the Fibonacci Sequence and Golden Ratio in their music. For reference, the Fibonacci Sequence is: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89. A piano's octave is 5 black keys plus 8 white keys at a total of 13 notes. A scale consists of 8 notes, of which the 3rd and 5th notes make up a basic chord. In that same scale, the dominant note is the 5th note, as well as 8th note of all 13 notes that make up the octave. You can hear the sound of the golden ratio in Mozart's Sonata n. 1 and in Beethoven's C Major Fifth Symphony. This video demonstrates how a fibonacci sequence is composed and how it sounds mathematically. 

The Fibonacci sequence is proven to be part of the natural world, so naturally there is a place for it in energetic healing sessions. The pineal gland is shaped line a pine cone- which is mathematically congruent to the Fibonacci Sequence. According to Dr. Beaulieu, the sound directly accesses the pineal gland, causing it to function efficiently, expand consciousness, improve intuition and perception beyond physical sight. 
